Janelle S., RVT


Janelle S., RVT
Janelle S., RVT Registered Veterinary Technologist

Janelle has been a part of Southglen Veterinary Hospital since 2015 when she was first cross trained as a receptionist and veterinary assistant. Janelle stayed on as a veterinary technologist after graduating with honors from Red River College in 2018.

She has a special interest in dentistry, hematology, anesthesia & patient care/comfort. In her spare time Janelle enjoys baking, spending time with family & friends, relaxing at the cabin (preferably on the beach) & ALL summer-related adventures! (Winter & I are NOT friends.)

Janelle has a wobbly cat at home, and she is really bad at fostering animals. “I've "foster failed" both times that I've tried.”